Chemtesting Brownfield Land

Rob Monk, our Technical Manager, discusses brownfield land testing in this blog.

A £1.2bn fund to build homes on brownfield land will start work in 30 areas including Manchester, Bristol and Luton.


Brownfield Land & Housing

Brownfield land has a major role to play in addressing the housing shortage, such sites can involve complex contamination problems and need to be comprehensively assessed before they can be redeveloped. This necessarily involves the analysis of environmental samples for potential contaminants.

Brownfield Soil & Groundwater Analysis

Chemtest have over 20 years’ experience in Brownfield soil and groundwater analysis, and we offer a comprehensive range of testing suites to cover all of your chemical testing requirements.

At Chemtest we understand that chemical testing provides a vital part of the picture for your contaminated land investigations, and the delivery of fast, accurate data is crucial to minimising your costs. With this in mind, we have developed our methods and processes to ensure that turnarounds are met on time. We are focussed on delivering an industry leading service which includes unlimited access to our technical team whenever help is needed, from assistance with specialist analyses to advice on your testing requirements, we aim to work with you every step of the way.

In addition to the technical team we have dedicated customer service advisors who are your consistent point of contact with point of contact with Chemtest; they are there to keep you up to date with all aspects of your project.

We are always looking to improve your customer service experience with Chemtest and have recently launched an innovative industry leading mobile app, Chemgenie, which gives you the ability to schedule couriers and testing directly from site on your smartphone or tablet.

Looking to the future

We are actively incorporating modern developments in analytical science to our testing schedule; new tests such as two dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) are giving genuine method improvements whilst at the same time helping us to further reduce turnaround times.


For more information on how Chemtest can help you with your brownfield testing please contact us.


This blog was written by Rob Monk, our Technical Manager.  Rob has over 14 years of experience in the environmental sector, in both organic and inorganic analyses.


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    A number of different publications and standards cite sulphate methods. BR279 (1995) has largely been superseded by analytical procedures as detailed in TRL 447 and BRE Special Digest:1 2005 3rd Edition. In addition further reference may be made to BS EN 144-1:2009 + A1:2012 for the testing of aggregates and BS 1377:2018 for soils for civil engineering purposes.

    Testing to meet the requirements of UKWIR Report Ref. No. 10/WM/03/21 Guidance for the selection of water supply pipes to be used in brownfield sites.

    Testing & reporting is undertaken in accordance with BS 3882:2015 Specification for topsoil and BS 8601:2013 Specification for subsoil and requirements for use

    All Asbestos Methods